We sang a few songs this morning together. One was a song called "The More I Seek You." After we sang, Mrs. Ginger used a coin to demonstrate that unless you look for Him, you won't find Him. Our kids have been taught the truth, watched us walk in the truth, and now must find it for themselves. We can tell them that the coin (Christ) is in the room, but unless they get up and look for it (Him) they won't find it for themselves. This was a great opener for our lesson.
Casey picked up with the parable from last week in Luke 14 and discussed what Jesus said, "If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters - yes, even his own life - he cannot be my disciple." In this verse, obviously Jesus wasn't telling us to hate (which he later calls murder) our brother. He wants us to love them less than we love Him. We must put Him before our lives and the expectations of our parents. For some, becoming a Christian is dangerous if their parents were to find out. Thankfully, we live in a community where we aren't killed for our beliefs. The last part of the verse says that if we don't love our life less than Him that we cannot be His disciple. Do we really love our lives less? Are we truly His disciples? Hard questions...
In order to grab the attention of our kids, we turned on the Wii Fit. Yes, it did work! They suddenly became alert! As soon as it was on, it reminded us that if we want to maximize our fitness, we must us Wii Fit daily. Hmmmm, if we want to be fit, we must do this daily? Do you think that worshipping God is any different? Well, we found similarities with Wii Fit and began to use the term Wii Worship.
Wii Fit called it Strength training; Wii Worship calls it Praise. Strength training makes your muscles strong; praise also strengthens you. The disciples praised when they were in prison. Acts 16:24-26 You can find praise continually through Psalms. We focused on Psalm 71:14-24. If you have ever been in real turmoil, praise will see you through.
Wii Fit uses the term aerobics; Wii Worship is study of God's Word. Just as aerobics strengthens your heart, so does study. Study prepares you for the "long run." Our life is a long run. The more you exercise your heart, the easier it is to run. A good aerobic program is at least four times a week. The best program includes at least 10 minutes a day. Our study should meet and exceed this in order to be fit.
Next, Wii Fit has Balance Training. This may seem insignificant when you first begin, but without balance you could get hurt or do your other exercises incorrectly. Wii Worship calls this part, Prayer. Prayer brings your life to balance. When you feel like you are falling, you call out in prayer. Balance also reminds us that in prayer we should have a balance of thanks. Philippians 4:6
Lastly, but certainly not least is stretching (Yoga). Wii Worship calls this our works. Faith without works is dead. James 2:14-17 "For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." Ephesians 2:10 Yes, God has works for us to do. Sometimes you have to stretch yourself or reach in areas you didn't think you had the ability to do. Stretching brings oxygen (life) to all parts of your body. A young person is usually pretty good at stretching. As you get older, you tend to limit your body. Don't limit what God is wanting you to do. Stretching is usually a little painful, but when you are finished you feel wonderful. Good works can be hard too, especially if you are trying to do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Don't let your faith be dead. Be doers, not hearers only.
Have you ever bought an exercise video, turned it on, sat on the couch, and watched it. I hope not. That did as much good for your body as watching someone else walk out a relationship with Christ. Unless you are an active participant, you are wasting your time. Our spirit is often neglected since no one can see it. If people could see your spirit, what would it look like? Would it be a picture of health or crying out for medical attention? If you need medical attention, go to the Physician. He alone can heal your soul.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
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